Dear Alcohol, This is Why I Said Goodbye To You A Goodbye Letter To Alcohol

When I first met you, I wasn’t sure how I felt. I liked the way you made me feel but I didn’t like how I was around you. I acted differently around my friends, I ditched school to be with you, I even spent my hard-earned money on you. I will also apologize to those whom I have hurt because of how you influenced me.

  • I still hate you; I still hate what you’ve done to me and what you made me do to the people I loved.
  • A goodbye letter to alcohol or drugs can also help you in the future as a physical symbol of your commitment to changing for the better.
  • What I didn’t want was for you to completely break my spirit.
  • I’m taking enormous strides in my life.
  • For a time, it felt like all I needed in the world was you.
  • I was starting to crawl away from your evil clutches.
  • Without you, Addiction, I’m doing things I’ve never thought were possible.

Because I had a lot of fun with drugs and alcohol for a long time. In high school and college, it was all fun. Sure, there were the blackouts where I couldn’t remember what I had done the night before, and the arguments with my girlfriend about my drinking. But I got into a lot of fights and I got into some legal stuff and a DUI, which definitely wasn’t fun at all. But the feeling I get looking back at using drugs and alcohol at that time wasn’t all bad, although a lot of bad stuff actually happened if I’m honest about it. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we ask you to bring a journal or notebook to record your journey to sobriety.

Lady A’s Charles Kelley Shares New Song He Wrote as ‘Goodbye Letter to Alcohol’ amid Sobriety Journey

When I wanted to change for the better, you told me I couldn’t live without you. You made me into the person I said I would never become. You made me do things I never thought I would be capable of doing. Saying goodbye to you seems like the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. You’ve been around for quite some time now, and I thought you’d never leave.

  • As a result, I know I have to leave you.
  • I don’t miss the heartache I have caused so many people who love me so much.
  • Today, I choose to stop feeding you, Monster.

MAT is crucial for life-threatening detox processes. Resurgence Behavioral Health offers comprehensive programs and a therapeutic community for addiction that will guide you to a healthier path. Make this goodbye letter to addiction your last one. Remember the fights caused by one too many, the missed opportunities from being high, or the family events ruined by intoxication. The addiction isn’t worth what you’ve lost.

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In addition to working for Cumberland Heights, Dr. Sledge is an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. Randal Lea, our Chief Community Recovery Officer is a licensed addictions counselor with 30 years of clinical and administrative experience. Your gift to Cumberland Heights through our annual goodbye letter to drugs and capital initiates gives immediate support to patients and their families. To make a longer term impact a gift to the endowment fund will provide patient assistance funding for years to come. The shackles you held me in and the steel rope you bound me with will not be missed. I will carry the scars left by your bondage.

We had a great relationship and you did exactly that. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. I remember when you first came into my life.

Goodbye Letter to Addiction in Style

Another recovering alcoholic published a goodbye letter to alcohol in the Fix, a recovery magazine. Both letters are a great example of how to write your goodbye letter to alcohol. When you are strong in recovery, it may be helpful to share your letter with family and friends. Your insights into those behaviors may help heal broken relationships cause by alcoholism. It is important to write about the self-harm caused by drinking too. Binge drinking, blackouts, or out-of-control behavior written means no longer denying that drinking is hurting yourself and those you love.

  • I don’t miss going out to my car in the morning and checking to see if maybe I had been in an accident or worse, the idea that I may have hurt someone.
  • A goodbye letter to addiction is similar to journaling because you are still writing down your emotions, and you will likely feel some of the same effects.
  • Our team is here for you seven days a week for physical and emotional support.
  • We promise it is a decision you will not regret.

I am not going to stop stepping into the light. I am not going to stop spreading a message of hope. I consider myself lucky because I didn’t lose my life for you. Unfortunately, I know many who did perish at your hand.

A Goodbye Letter to Drugs and Alcohol

Saying goodbye to drugs and alcohol is the most terrifying thing I think I’ve ever done. However, I also know that I have to do it. At least, when thinking about it, I’ve never been truly happy with who I am. So I need to say goodbye to drugs and alcohol, no matter how difficult or scary that is to think about. For many, cutting ties with an addiction is similar to breaking up a long-term relationship.

goodbye letter to drugs

Once I finally realized the toll you had taken on not just my life, but the lives of my friends and family members, I knew it was time to let go. So, consider this my final breakup letter, because I will never again return to the suffering you caused me. Eventually, I realized that I was wrong.

В рубрике Sober living

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